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Functions in C-Computer Science-Important topic in C

 Function in C

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Function in C is a very important topic in C. The library in C has many in-built functions like printf, scanf, etc.

Every C program has at least one main function where the code starts executing. 

The main function is declared using int main().

Now, we'll be going to see various types of function declaration, their return types, etc.

There are three main things for executing a function in C programming language which are its declaration, its calling, and its execution.

The return type of function includes primitive and derived data types. For data types, refer to this.

Function declaration:

         There are two ways where you can declare/call a function.

Way 1:

Declaring outside the main, globally,

int(return type) fun(data type of arguments);

For example,

void fun(int, char); // Function declaration

int main()


 int a=5;

 char b='d';

 fun(a,b); // Function calling

 return 0;


void fun(int a,char b)


 printf("%d\n%c",a,b); // Function execution


However only this,

int main()


 int a=5;

 char b='d';

 fun(a,b); // Function calling

 return 0;


void fun(int a,char b)


 printf("%d\n%c",a,b); // Function execution


is wrong.

Way 2:

Calling it inside the void main/int main function, but for executing this function, you have to execute it before the function in which you are calling the latter,
void fun(int a, int b)


    printf("%d\n",a+b); // Execution is possible only if it is written before the function in which it is called


int main()


   int a=3,b=9;

   fun(a,b); // Calling the function "fun"

   return 0;


In the above code, you don't have to declare the function "fun" as it is present before the function in which it is called.

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